Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Cousin time & Pizza

Last night we got to visit little Thomas!  When he was born I went out shopping for an outfit for him.  Dawson has grown out of his 6 month clothes and was needing some 9 month outfits, so when I saw this outfit, I had to buy it for both of them!  They loved cousin time with their matching outfits!
Cute boys!!  This would be a perfect picture if Dawson hadn't spit up on his shirt! He loves to do that!  Note the size difference in a newborn and 6 month!
"Mommy, he looks like a toy and I really want to play with him! PLEASE let me touch him!"
"I really love my uncle, aunt, and new cousin!"
We were able to hang out for a while and eat some pizza which I had made earlier in the day!  It was a good night of fellowship!  We love you guys!  The pizza directions follow :)


BBQ Chicken Pizza
  • Pizza crust
  • BBQ sauce
  • 1-2 chicken breasts
  • 4 strips of bacon
  • 1/2 onion
  • 1 1/2 cups mozzarella cheese
Hamburger pizza
  • Pizza crust
  • 1/2 jar of pizza sauce (I added italian seasoning, garlic powder, salt, pepper, & a spoon full of bbq sauce to this, just to give it a little more pizazz!)
  • 1 lb. of hamburger (1/2 lb. would work as well)
  • 1/2 onion
  • 1 1/2 cups mozzarella cheese

When making pizza,you HAVE to have a yummy crust!  I used a whole wheat crust from my good friend Katie for these pizzas (THANK YOU KATIE!).  It tasted great and is a healthier option than regular crust!  I had never made homemade pizza crust before, but this was pretty simple!  Here is the link for her crust- PIZZA CRUST.

The pizza crust recipe makes two crusts, so you can use them both to serve several people, or make one and freeze the other!  When the crust is ready, it is time for the sauce!  I used 1/2 a jar of pizza sauce mixed with some extra spices for one pizza and hickory smoked honey bbq sauce on the other pizza.  You can use as much or as little sauce as you want, depending on how saucy you like your pizzas :)

Once the sauce is on you are ready for toppings!  I browned up 1 lb. of hamburger with half an onion for one pizza (feel free to through in some spices with your meat if you want). Yes, I know that is a lot of meat, but we like it that way!  For the other pizza I cooked up some chicken breasts and shredded them into chunks.  I then cooked 4 strips of bacon and crumbled them up.  Next I sauteed half an onion in the bacon grease until tender and added the chicken and bacon back in the skillet for a few minutes to mix the flavors! 

When the toppings are ready, put them on top of the pizza sauce!

Then top with shredded cheese!  I used 1 1/2 cups of mozzarella per pizza, so 3 cups total!  Then bake these bad boys in the oven at 425 until the cheese is melted and the pizza is heated through. (Or once the cheese is on you can wrap the pizza in foil and place it in the freezer until you are ready to bake and eat it!)

I forgot to take a picture of the finished product, but trust me, they turned out great and were very scrumptious!  Brandon is in LOVE with the BBQ chicken pizza and is already requesting for me to make it again :) 

1 comment:

  1. i can't believe how much bigger dawson is! so crazy how fast they grow
