Monday, April 15, 2013

Dawson Update :)

Since I have been sick with pregnancy, poor little Dawson hasn't had a blog update in a long time, so I thought I would show you all a few cute pics of our little man and tell you about a few of the things he has been doing the last few months.

What is Dawson doing these days?!?
- Talking a lot! Here are a few of the things he likes to say- belly, ball, hot, hi, bye, bath, mama, dada, eye, door, nose, "oh" for open, help, down, up, papa, no (which is his favorite word...ugh!), likes to bark like a dog, makes noises to sound like he is saying "one, two, three", still uses sign language, moves his mouth up and down when asked "What does a fish say?"
- He understands a lot of what we say to him.  Recently he has been able to go get a book and bring it to me to read when I tell him too and he LOVES to throw his own diapers away when I ask him too.  He is sooo proud of himself when he gets to do this!
- Loves to use a fork when eating.  Every time he stabs the food with the fork he makes a sound :)
- Likes to try and climb on anything he can
- Enjoys holding our hands while we pray
- Has an obsession with climbing stairs and with opening and closing the microwave.
- Gets really sad when daddy has to go to work :(
- He started walking really well right before he turned 13 months old and we haven't been able to keep up with him since!
- LOVES the outdoors.  Anytime we go outside he likes to try to walk all the way to the end of our block, climb our neighbors steps, or open mailboxes :)
- Thinks it is fun to throw things in the toilet and the trash can when we aren't looking.
- Enjoys laughing and dancing!  If he hears any type of music, he is automatically dancing :)
- Really likes to sing songs!
- Has 8 teeth!
- Imitates everything
- Likes to give high fives, pound it, and shake hands :) 
- Enjoys Saturday mornings the most because he gets to go out with daddy to get donuts!

An example of how this boy loves to climb

Cutie pie :)

Listening to the ipod with daddy...and dancing to the music!

Playing with Taytum!

Kisses from mommy ;)  I love my boy!

Dawson loves to walk around with something hanging out of his mouth... you can see here...

and here!

Loves his water bottle!

Favorite place to play in the kitchen :)

"Helping" mommy clean the floor :)  He will get a rag from time to time and just start mopping the floor...what a good helper I have!

High-fives for Willie at the K-State baseball game!

Playing with Aunt Ashlyn and bubbles :)

The cousins at Easter :)

Looking cool in their shades!
 *The rest of these pictures were taken on our they are small because if we enlarge them they look bad!
Frisbie Golfing :)

Found a golf cart at our neighbors soccer game

"Can't wait to golf with dad someday"

Playing with our new neighbor!

Donuts with Dad!

At the St. Patty's Day parade :)
This video is of Dawson laughing at his pap-paw :)  He thinks he is sooo silly!

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