Sunday, April 7, 2013

Baby Clark #2

Yep...Dawson is 14 1/2 months and our little baby is 14 1/2 weeks! I can tell they are going to be friends already :)
We are excited to announce that we are pregnant with Baby Clark #2!!! We just heard the little one's heart beat a couple weeks ago and it was 153 beats per minute.  It was sooo sweet to hear the baby's little heart beating :)  Right now we are 14 1/2 weeks pregnant!  We didn't find out Dawson's gender while we were pregnant, but we have decided to find out this baby's gender, which we are really excited for!  Should find out on May 15th!

We had to do another picture outside...this time Dawson is actually looking!

If any of you keep up with my blog, you might have been wondering why it has been soo quiet for the last 2 months.  Well, if you guessed pregnancy sickness as the would be correct!  I am just starting to feel better, so hopefully I will be able to keep up to date with my blog a little better now :) 


  1. So exciting Amanda! Congratulations!!!!

  2. I am still so in love with this! Cutest sign ever! You are such a beautiful Momma!
